You know those times when you enter that zen state when Op-Shopping. The one you attain when methodically, almost meditatively leafing through the vinyl record section. Suddenly your reverie is shattered by a loud shriek from the back of the shop. On those occasions, which are rare, you flinch...should I be ducking and rolling or the shop under siege? But no, when you see a fellow punter eagerly rushing to the checkout with a battered box or some garish fabric, you gather from their look of rapture that it is undoubtedly the most awesome find in the history of Op-Shopping ever...

You watch as they jealously shelter their their find as if the whole shop will descend on them and wrestle it from their hands...and your thinking WHY COULDN’T THAT BE MEEEEE. Curse my ordered approach...’start at the front and work my way to the back’...maybe I should just tackle them before they get there. But on this occasion it was ME, only I’m not sure everyone would be as excited about my find as I was but so feel free to insert your own imaginary awesome Op-Shop find and you will appreciate the ecstasy I felt when I found my Corona.
Yes thats right even more magnificent than that of the Sun my Corona shone out from its stained and decrepit box at the back of the Morley Salvos. I said to my sister Kate, who also appeared interested in the enticingly hideous visage of the object, ‘hey what’s that thing’. Despite its condition the box informed us that it was a Corona CH-1000 Knitting Machine...and suffice to say, as a hand-knitter, I was quite excited. What’s more exciting is that it cost 20 bucks!! Im not quite sure how much they sell for but I think its in the hundreds quite a deal, particularly when I got home and found that it was in perfect working order. And to prove it, some pictures that will take a millions years to load:
Look at it, its old.....maybe
Look at it working! 

And this is everything that came with it, amazingly enough it had all of the origional accessories. That blue and yellow note book, with the ancient Woolies logo on it, contained the previous owners patterns...good old Judith fact I was so grateful that it was completely intact I gave the machine a name, ‘Mrs Parker’.

Anyway my sisters dogged determination to visit every Op-Shop she could think of ended with me finding that which she had coveted...THE MOST AWESOME OP-SHOP FIND EVER...maybe next time it will be her.